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large-areas-saskatoon-airport-Schreder Omnistar - Low Glare solution


Large Area Lighting Encompasses a Broad Array of Specialty Applications:

 Apron Lighting  •  Sports  Fields  •  Port Terminals  • Industrial Sites •  Railway Yards 

Maintenance Yards  • Mass Transit Sites  •  Prisons  •  Ferry Terminals

Performance to light for security and critical tasks while minimizing glare and excess spill light are important to have a successful project in these speciality lighting applications. PNW Lighting & Traffic represents manufacturers with excellent performance flood lights and high mast style LED lights with the photometrics needed for these challenging projects.

Port terminal Lighting requires high output and great light control to avoid excessive spi

Port Lighting

Lighting for both security and for performance of critical tasks while controlling spill light over the water and minimizing glare.


Apron Lighting

Superior Glare control while providing proper lighting for ground crews is achieved with Schreder's special Omni-Star Reflected optics.


Sports & Recreation

Great communities are known for their recreation facilities and proper lighting is crutial to their success.

 In large area lighting every application is unique. Contact us and we can assist you with our leading manufacturers to find your optimal solution. Some examples of our products are featured above and below.

Large area lighting many times also requires special lighting poles and at PNW Lighting & Traffic we care as much about poles as we do lighting. We are here to assist when you are ready.  

We look forward to bringing your vision to reality.

Contact our team at (206) 944 1818 

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